The demand of cheaper spare parts is always high, leaving the well known path of oem brands lead the customer into a wildernass plenty of great opportunity but also full of dangerous products. We seriously think there are some manufacturers which really deserve attention, and looking at the datas collected by our tests there are manufacturers with a lot of potential and with very good quality products. On the other hand, however, there are also many manufacturers with awful products. Too many times we see distributors leaving the spare parts market after having problems with such horrible products. Most of the times it ends with the customer going back to the oem brand without really exploring and testing what the spare parts market can really offer in terms of quality, service and prices.
This small guide is intended to drive a customer choosing the right quality glow plug, this guide is not intended to be part of an advertising campaign, so we will not speak about what our company do and what we don't do, we'll just expose some very important requirement a well made glow plug should match. With a very few tools anyone will be able to check and compare products on the market building up his own opinion.
Point 1: THE TUBE
Materials used in a glow plug manufacturing make the big difference in terms of price. The most common material used for big part of components is iron, with the exception of the heating tube. The tube must be made with nichel-crome alloy known to the world with the term of Inconel 601 or Nicrofer, or just Alloy 601. This alloy is commonly used for its resistance to corrosion, carbon deposit and temperature. The glow plug's tube works in the combustion chamber or pre-chamber in contact with high temperature and exausted gas, using cheaper materials usually ends with a huge carbon deposit forming on the glow plug's tube after a few months making the glow plug extraction really difficult. The tube is great part of the glow plug components cost, using a cheap tube usually ends up with a very cheap glow plug.
Point 2: THE BODY
The body has a very important role when designing a glow plug. It holds the heating tube and the junction between the body and the tube is crucial. The heating element is embedded in the body with an hydraulic press, the pression should be carefully checked, using too much force can internally damage the glow plug, using low force can have the glow plug fired out the engine head. Also tolerance is very important to limit the difference between the minimum and maximum force needed, limiting the waste and having a better quality product. As usual a large tolerance body is cheaper then a tight tolerance body. Also the dimension is very important, thread, diameters, conus angle, everything must be exactly like the oem glow plug, if not there can be problems fitting the glow plug in the engine. The body is usually coated with a chemical-treatment to resist salty mist avoiding rust. A cheaper tratment can be money saving but can expose the body to oxydation.<br>
Filaments are crucial.
The resistor is the hearth of the glow plug, a good filament is
essential to make a good glow plug. It's not of great importance
having a double filament or a single filament glow plug, a good glow
plug can be made with both technologies, but it's very important to have a
good manufacturer using the right machines and alloys. But how can we test a glow plug? Professional
equipments to check glow plugs have optical pyrometers ( istruments
able of getting object's temperature by infrared sensor) and can draw
a diagram temperature - current, time. This is what we call
characterisation, and it's the glow plug's fingerprint. Professional
equipments are quite expensive and necessary for a
producer, but not for customers. There are a
couple of test anyone can do to check the quality of a glow plug,
using a clock, a 12V or 24V battery and two cables with clips. The main feature we should look at are:
TIMING: using the
cables connect positive wire to the upper terminal, and negative wire
to the body, connect wires to the battery, immediatly the glow plug
start to glow (watch out, do not hold the glow plug with your
hands). Start the clock in the same time you connect the last cable
to the battery and stop the clock when the glow
plug'tip is red-hot. The time must match the glow plug
specific heating time declared on the catalogue. Usually it should be <
8 seconds, many manufacturer can go around 5-6 seconds, but from our
experience a time < 8 seconds is usually enough for almost any
application. There are 5V, 6V 6,5V ecc.. out on the market, they are
called QGS (old japanese) or ISS (new european) glow plugs, are low
voltage glow plugs pushed with 12V for a few seconds to allow a
very fast heating (2 seconds), do not light on this kind of glow
plugs with a battery and two cables, you will probably end up burning
out them all.
the glow plug while heating up. It must glow starting from
the tip, then spreading slowly in body direction untill the glow
plug's temperature get to the higher point. If a new glow plug starts heating from the body or from the
middle of the tube you're probably looking at a bad quality glow
plug. The injector's stream points in an area between the tip and 8
mm from the glow plug's tip.
plug for vehicles from 1990 on is usually heated for longer time, up
to 180 seconds at 13V-14V for anti pollution purpose, so it is very important the resistor is
made with one or two auto regulating filaments (it can be
monofilament or double filament glow plug). To check it by yourself
just heat the glow plug and keep it heated with a battery for a
longer time, up to 5 minutes. Sadly you can't have the waranty it
doesn't burn out at 13V-14V using just a battery, you should use a
power supplier (alternate current is fine if you can't get a
stabilized one).
Lifespan is the most
important feature and strictly connected to heating time. Usually the
hard point is having a fast glow plug with long lifespan, on the
contrary is very easy to have a long life but a very slow glow plug.
When the heating time is under 8 seconds, likeley between 5 and 7
seconds, lifespan is the mirror of the glow plug's manufacturing
quality. If the manufacturing process has some lacks it will probably
produce a short life glow plug. Sadly the only way to test glow
plug's lifespan is with professional equipment, it must be started at
11-12V then kept for minutes at 13-14V, cooled down to room temperature or less and then the cycle restarts again. This keep
going on for thousands of cycles. If you have a timer and some electric
equipment maybe you can craft a rudimental tester by yourself, you
will be able to perform some comparative tests.
Latest glow plugs for
direct injection engines usually fit in very small holes, the shape
difference between the OEM glow plug and the competitos's glow plug
should be very slight, expecially diameters. For example, a 5,2 mm tube diameter instead of the original
OEM tube 5 mm diameter can cause the glow plug to knock in
the engine hole. Having the right dimension means big investments in
tools, and higher manufacturing cost.
Point 6: PATENTS
Oh yes, there are
patents for glow plugs, especially for resistor materials. Infringing
a patent is an easy way to do a decent product without investment,
but can seriously put the manufacturer and the buyer in trouble. If
you don't want to get in trouble check the glow plugs patents on the
web or ask your supplier a declaration they're not infringing any
patent or they're using their own patents, this can be of help in case
of trouble. There are companies, big or small, investing in research
and development of their own patents and alloys, buy from them.
What exposed are just
some basic points to check for glow plug's quality. Glow plug design and
manufacturing process are far more complicated and full of little
tips which really can make the big difference, even between good
quality products.
Bondani Cristiano
Technical Department